Peter Smith
I was born at an early age to surprised parents who really wanted a dog. After a brief sojourn with the mini-banjo (see pic) I moved on to the piano, but it got too heavy for my mother to drag around, so I took up the guitar instead.
My first guitar was a cheap foreign acoustic adorned with the word ‘Mersey’ (as was nearly everything at that time) but then, ten quid was a lot of money in those days.
By the time I was seventeen I had mastered enough chords (two) to be able to go out and join a band called ‘Dickie and the Donuts’ (it was nearly ‘Ricky and the Rock Cakes’ – you decide). Despite the oh-so-amusing name the band featured much local talent, including the legendary Mik Fletcher on bass. However, when they heard my efforts on the guitar I was immediately given keyboard duties Undaunted, I persevered and eventually bought my first electric guitar, an ‘Eros’ Les Paul. Mmm, lovely.
I eventually acquired some decent equipment, and stints with various bands followed, during which time I also took up the bass, which I still enjoy playing.
By the late seventies I was pro, playing American Army and Air Force bases all over Germany. The Americans were a friendly lot, whose favourite shout seemed to be ‘Take a break’! Then followed years of summer seasons, hotels, holiday camps, trips to Florida, Jersey, yes, I saw the world and got paid for it (not much). I also did a few recording sessions at London studios such as CTS and Abbey Road and I still have a few 7” records (wazzat?) that feature my playing.
These Vinyl Beats boys can play. There are no passengers in this band and its is FUN!
Photo courtesy of Terri Johnson