the Vinyl BeaTs Music from the Golden Age of Vinyl
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Peter Smith


I was born at an early age to surprised parents who really wanted a dog. After a brief sojourn with the mini-banjo (see pic). I moved on to the piano, but it got too heavy for my mother to drag around, so I took up the guitar instead.

My first guitar was a cheap foreign acoustic adorned with the word ‘Mersey’ (as was nearly everything at that time) but then, ten quid was a lot of money in those days.

By the time I was seventeen I had mastered enough chords (two) to be able to go out and join a band called ‘Dickie and the Donuts’ (it was nearly ‘Ricky and the Rock Cakes’ – you decide). Despite the oh-so-amusing name the band featured much local talent, including the legendary Mik Fletcher on bass. However, when they heard my efforts on the guitar I was immediately given keyboard duties Undaunted, I persevered and eventually bought my first electric guitar, an ‘Eros’ Les Paul. Mmm, lovely.

I eventually acquired some decent equipment, and stints with various bands followed, during which time I also took up the bass, which I still enjoy playing.

By the late seventies I was pro, playing American Army and Air Force bases all over Germany. The Americans were a friendly lot, whose favourite shout seemed to be ‘Take a break’! Then followed years of summer seasons, hotels, holiday camps, trips to Florida, Jersey, yes, I saw the world and got paid for it (not much). I also did a few recording sessions at London studios such as CTS and Abbey Road and I still have a few 7” records (wazzat?) that feature my playing.

These Vinyl Beats boys can play. There are no passengers in this band and its is FUN!

Mike Pete Bob Alan
Picture courtesy of T J Images

Photo courtesy of  Terri Johnson